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Ship takes a refreshingly unique approach to online dating by putting the power of matchmaking into the hands of your friends and family. Tired of swiping through endless profiles and feeling jaded about online dating? Ship embraces the idea that those who know you best might have better instincts about who you’ll click with than an algorithm ever could. Whether you’re looking for love, friendship, or something in between, Ship transforms dating into a fun, social experience shared with your closest circle.

Who is Ship For?

Ship is designed for singles who:

  • Value the Insights of Friends: Believe those who know you best might have a knack for playing matchmaker.
  • Craving a Lighthearted Approach: Prefer a fun, social vibe over high-pressure dating apps.
  • Introverts: Find it easier to let friends advocate on their behalf than initiating interactions.
  • Tired of Mainstream Apps: Seeking a unique, community-driven alternative in the dating landscape.

Pros and Cons of Ship

Let’s consider the upsides and potential drawbacks:


  • Low Pressure: Takes the focus off of self-promotion and endless swiping
  • Social Element: Makes dating fun by involving your friends in the process.
  • Potential for Better Matches: Those closest to you might intuit compatibility you’d overlook.
  • Icebreakers Provided: Friends introduce matches, easing first conversation awkwardness.


  • Reliance on Friends: Requires proactive, enthusiastic friends to be successful.
  • Limited Control: Less individual agency in match selection compared to traditional apps.
  • Can Feel Embarrassing for Some: Not everyone is comfortable with friends “selling” them on dates.
  • Smaller User Pool: A newer app, meaning potentially fewer matches, especially outside urban areas.

How Does Ship Work?

  1. You Enlist Your Crew: Invite trusted friends to join your “crew” on Ship.
  2. They Create Your Profile: Your crew writes your bio, selects photos, and decides who to match you with.
  3. Browsing With Friends: You explore potential matches together, swiping as a group.
  4. Chatting on Shared Threads: If both parties are interested, a group chat opens for everyone involved.
  5. Setting Sail (Optional): You take the conversation private with the match if things click.

Ship Cost

Ship offers a blend of free and paid features:

  • Free: Browse matches, chat in group threads, and go on one “date” per week.
  • Ship Unlimited: Offers unlimited dates, the ability to revisit profiles, and more perks. (Price varies based on subscription length)

Member Structure

Ship’s user base is still growing, with a concentration in major cities among young professionals. It attracts a mix of singles seeking various connection types, fostering a less serious atmosphere than some dating apps.

User Interface

Ship’s interface is bright, playful, and designed for ease of use. The emphasis is on social interaction and fun rather than complex browsing features.

The Ship Experience

Ship aims to bring a sense of lighthearted fun back to the dating world. Success stories highlight the joy of turning match selection into a social activity with friends. However, the experience is highly dependent on having a dedicated “crew” who will actively champion you.


I love the idea of Ship, but having my friends choose dates for me sounds incredibly awkward! Is that initial discomfort normal? 

Absolutely! Handing over the reins of your dating life, even to your closest friends, can feel a bit strange at first. Ship recognizes this and leans into the potential humor of the situation. Remember, your friends wholeheartedly want you to find happiness. Approach it with a lighthearted attitude. There will likely be some playful teasing and perhaps a few questionable matches – but ultimately, their efforts come from a place of love and a desire to see you thrive.

Okay, the concept is growing on me. But what if my friends have terrible taste and set me up with people I’d never consider on my own? 

Don’t worry, you’re not locked into any match! While it’s wise to trust your friends’ instincts to a degree, you always retain the power of veto. Think of the process as collaborative. Your friends might open your eyes to someone you hadn’t initially noticed or highlight qualities in a match that your own profile couldn’t convey. Be open-minded, but never feel pressured to go on a date that doesn’t pique your interest.

Do I have to go on a “date” with every single person my friends match me with? 

Absolutely not! The beauty of Ship is the social element. The initial group chat with your friends and the potential match is meant to be fun and pressure-free. If you don’t feel a spark or realize it’s not a great fit, there’s no obligation to take things further. Think of Ship as a filtering process spearheaded by those who love you – they’ll handle the initial introductions, saving you time and potential disappointment. You ultimately decide who’s worthy of progressing to a one-on-one date.

Alternatives to Ship

  • Hinge: Encourages thoughtful profiles and fosters connections based on personality.
  • Bumble: Women-centric app where women make the first move.
  • Filter Off: Video-speed dating events with a focus on real interactions.


Ship boldly challenges the conventions of online dating where solo swiping and meticulously crafted self-profiles reign supreme. It recognizes the simple truth that sometimes our friends possess an uncanny understanding of our quirks, deal-breakers, and that certain spark that might ignite a beautiful connection. By inviting your crew to become your dating co-captains, Ship transforms the search for love or companionship into a shared adventure filled with laughter, insider knowledge, and genuine support.

While surrendering control over your dating profile might sound daunting at first, Ship injects a much-needed dose of playfulness into the often-stressful realm of online dating. It’s an act of trust – both in your judgment to choose a truly dedicated “crew” and in their ability to see the best in you even when you struggle to articulate it yourself. With Ship, it’s okay to let those who know you best take the helm for a while. You might be surprised at the hidden gems they uncover.

Of course, Ship’s success hinges on having a proactive and invested friend group. If you’re blessed with friends who love playing Cupid and aren’t afraid of a little good-natured teasing along the way, Ship offers the potential for finding matches that resonate deeper than those found via an algorithm. Think of it as crowdsourcing your love life. While relinquishing full control might not suit everyone, for those seeking a fresh, social twist on online dating, Ship offers a chance to embark on a potentially hilarious and heartwarming journey where discovering romance becomes a team sport.

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